Our agency offers free individually tailored sessions for youth of all ages. Schools or youth programs are welcome to schedule educational sessions by contacting Pia by calling 218-749-4725 or email ec@stopsexualviolence.org. Some of our commonly requested programs include:
Now Matters Later… Think B4 U Send
- The Now Matters Later program was designed in partnership with the St. Louis County Attorney’s office as a way to inform teens about the legal consequences of sexting, cyberbullying, revenge porn, and internet crimes in Minnesota. Teens receive a crash course in child pornography law and the felony court system presented by the Assistant St. Louis County Attorney and local law enforcement. Advocates will be available to answer questions and be of support to students throughout and after the presentation.
- The Empower Me program from the Gundersen National Child Protection Training Center and the Jacob Wetterling Resource Center provides children with personal safety information, empowers them to say “NO” if someone makes them feel uncomfortable, helps them to recognize warning signals (instincts) when something doesn’t feel safe, and explores different emotions. This program is best suited for ECFE, Headstart, and preschoolers through 2nd grade students
Bullying and Cyber-Bullying
- This program is designed to teach children about bullying behaviors, what they can do to stay safe from bullying, and how to respond to bullying as a bystander while building empathy for others, and reinforcing the importance of having respect for others. (3rd-5th Grade)
Sexual Harassment and Bullying Presentations
- Sexual Harassment and Bullying classroom presentations equips young teens with knowledge about sexual harassment as they might experience. Presentations touch on in-person bullying and place a heavy focus on the increasing prevalence of cyber harassment and safe social networking. The program explains the difference between flirting and sexual harassment, provides safety options and tools, and will increase students’ awareness of bystander responsibility. (6th-8th Grade)
The presentations can include activities and hand-outs as well as open discussion time.
Through education, awareness and communication youth can and will be less vulnerable to crime.