About Us
The Sexual Assault Program of Northern St. Louis County has been devoted to providing advocacy services and education to the Iron Range and surrounding communities since 1984. Our mission has always been to provide the best possible advocacy services to sexual violence victims throughout the northern part of Minnesota’s St. Louis County. Our 5,400 square mile service area includes communities north from Virginia to Ely, south to Cotton, West to Nashwauk, and East to Hoyt Lakes along with all rural areas in between.
We strive to build a stabilizing environment and provide services to victims, survivors, and their families that ultimately will help them discover their path to healing.
Our History:
- 1970s: The Women’s Movement in America brought rise to the Anti-Sexual Assault Movement in this country. Women marched in the streets and the first rape crisis centers popped up across the country.
- 1980: The first anti-sexual violence program for the state of Minnesota was launched in Duluth for the intention of serving victims throughout the entire St. Louis County area.
- 1984: The program’s governing board voted to separate into two separate non-profit organizations, one for the northern part of the county and one for the Duluth metropolitan area. This marked the beginning of the Sexual Assault Program of Northern St. Louis County, as it stands today.
- 2013: The Program moved into the Virginia City Hall building thanks to the work of many great friends of the Program.